Objective To research the compatibility regularity of the matched pair of Polygala tenuifolia Willd. 目的研究经典药对远志-石菖蒲配伍对单味药材指标成分的影响。
Objective: to study the polysaccharide's content in the different Polygala tenuifolia Willd resources from shanxi. 目的:研究山西道地药材晋产远志品种资源多糖类含量。
Effects of Polygala tenuifolia Willd. decotion on myoelectric activity of uterine smooth muscle of virginal rats and its action mechanism Study on Myoelectrical Activity of Isthmus and Uterus in Laying-hen 远志增强大鼠子宫平滑肌峰电活动实验研究蛋鸡输卵管平滑肌电活动的研究
Results: Pb ( CH 3COO) 2 could induce SCE in mouse spermatogonia, but the frequencies of SCE induced by Pb ( CH 3COO) 2 in mouse spermatogonia were reduced significantly if Polygala tenuifolia willd and Pb ( CH 3COO) 2 were given ip simultaneously. 结果:铅能诱发小鼠精原细胞姐妹染色单体互换,而在腹腔注射铅的同时给予远志,可使铅诱发的小鼠精原细胞姐妹染色单体互换频率明显降低。